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Make your project management more collaborative

Plan, organize and

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Make sure your projects run smoothly with Jamespot !

Jamespot is the project management tool you need on a daily basis to manage and track your projects as a team.

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Organize as you wish

Thanks to Jamespot's Board application, you can easily and quickly manage your ongoing projects.
Organize and structure your work according to your needs and preferences, share essential documents with the audience of your choice, assign tasks to each of your collaborators, define your priorities and set up deadlines... In the end, manage entire projects from A to Z with Jamespot.

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Documentation at heart of your projects

With Jamespot, share and centralize all the required documents for the progress of your projects, directly on the platform, in the dedicated document bank.
Jamespot gives you all the keys to collaborate and communicate with your team members, for greater efficiency and project management!

Collaboration is a necessity

Put collaboration back at the heart of your project management with Jamespot. Find your working groups on your Jamespot platform and move forward as a team on your projects.
Jamespot applications can be activated instantly and allows you to engage with every employee in every step of the project, from start to finish.

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Stay with your projects anywhere

The Jamespot project management tool allows you to advance your projects wherever you are with its mobile version available on the Apple Store and Google Play.
On the road, coming out of a meeting, teleworking... Put the power of your Jamespot platform in your pocket and don't let your projects fall behind.

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The 10 best Jamespot applications for project management

Jamespot has more than 100 collaborative and social applications that you can install and uninstall according to you and your team needs! Here are the top 10 of the essential Jamespot applications that you will find on your Jamespot Project Management Platform.

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Project Group

Create project groups and collaborate easily



Simplify the management of your projects with Jamespot



Centralize and share your documents



Share your goals with your team


Action Plan

Manage your projects within action plans and sub-plans


Date Poll

Find in a few clicks a time slot for a meeting



Alert your staff for
next meeting



Communicate with your teams in real time



Launch and host video conferences


Mobile Application

Carry your Jamespot platform on your phone

Our customers talk about their experience

The changes in usage observed revolve around the creation of working groups.


Having integrated agile methods for project management, we needed a tool capable of supporting its methodologies. This is now possible with the Jamespot solution.

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Mariame BADRI
Communication Project Manager - SeLoger

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Why don't you try Jamespot speed?

Launch your "test platform" and get your team on Jamespot in less than 5 minutes.

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