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Building your Jamespot platform: the 5 key steps

You want to deploy a collaborative platform for your employees? You are motivated but you fear that the project will be complex and will become a burden? Discover the 5 steps that will help you build the ideal Jamespot platform for your organization, all in record time!

For many organizations, deploying a collaborative platform is not exactly a dream come true. It involves allocating a budget, identifying needs, consulting a multitude of different stakeholders - in short, for many professionals, starting the deployment of a collaborative tool is synonymous with a burden to carry or even a bottomless tunnel. 😱

At Jamespot, we believe that heavy and endless IT projects have had their day and that only one word should resonate in the minds of professionals at the mention of the word collaborative platform: agility! That's why our commitment is double. The first is to help you build the platform best suited to your needs, both in terms of content and form. The second? To ensure that your platform is operational in just a few weeks.

How do we do it? Find out now 🤔

Identification of Needs

The Jamespot solution has been designed to provide answers to a very large number of needs: communicating with employees, facilitating knowledge sharing, optimizing project management, encouraging innovation... There is something for everyone! However, your needs will not necessarily be those of the neighbouring organization. It is also important not to spread yourself too thin!

That' s why the first step is important: identify your needs. What are your business processes? What do you want to optimize within your organization? These questions will allow you (and us) to determine the purpose of your collaborative platform. Don't forget: a collaborative platform deployed without objectives and without knowledge of the organization deploying it will not be used to its full potential.

The Choice of Applications

This is one of the biggest strengths of the Jamespot solution: its application store. Let's take a concrete example. You have passed the first step and identified the two major axes of your platform, namely communication (both at the individual and organizational levels) and project management. You know that your platform will be used mainly for these two purposes thanks to key features of the Jamespot solution such as the activity flow, team messaging and the group system. Now you need to deploy the applications that will accelerate these uses for all your employees!

All you have to do is go to the Jamespot Store and choose your applications as if you were choosing your menu in a restaurant! Each application will allow you to optimize one of the main axes of your platform, so don't hesitate to deploy the ones you are interested in and test them with your employees!

The Creation of the Platform

Now that you've done these steps, you're probably wondering when we'll get to see the platform? 🤔 Well, don't worry, we'll be talking about it in the next step! 😁 The content of your platform is already ready, so why not take care of the look?

At Jamespot, we take care that each of our clients' platforms are unique, and this includes customizing the look of the platforms! You choose the logo, the corporate identity and style guide and the name of your platform and we take care of the rest! Don't you think it's better to be in a place you've designed yourself? 😉

Coaching and Support

Of course, during all these steps, you are never left alone: Jamespot experts are there to help you, advise you and guide you throughout the process of creating your platform. Whether it is to help you identify your needs, to identify the main uses of your platform or to choose the applications that will complete it, the Jamespot team takes care to accompany you from start to finish! 😉✊

The Follow-Up

Your platform is now ready to be used by your employees: congratulations! 🥳🙌💪Your project is now coming to an end, it's a great success but be careful not to let yourself down for all that! A collaborative platform is not adopted just like that: it is necessary that your collaborators understand its purpose by knowing what led you to deploy it (hence the importance of internal communication) but also by learning to use it.

Regarding this last point, you can always count on Jamespot: our technical support allows you to contact us to report any problem with your platform. You create a ticket to inform us of the problem and we take care of the rest! 😉 Moreover, we provide you with various training courses to help you get to know your platform: administration, application use, configuration, best practices... We tell you everything! 😉

To Conclude

And that' s it: you now know the main steps of our process! If you want to see these steps with your own eyes, please contact us for a personal demonstration! 😄

And if you prefer to carry out these steps by yourself and without our help, no problem, a 30-day test will allow you to handle the tool as you wish! 😉

See you soon! 😄


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